Ellipsis Architecture

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Ellipsis Principal, Paul Tebben Featured on ‘Voyage Chicago’

Voyage Chicago recently published a feature interview with Ellipsis’ Founding Principal, Paul Tebben. Paul was featured alongside a collection of talented professionals across Chicago from a wide range of specialties. He was excited to have such a unique opportunity to share his personal story and the work of the talented Ellipsis design team. 

"I’m a longtime proud Chicagoan but my road to where I am today was paved in Detroit. Growing up amidst the presence of the auto industry and the blue-collar pride with which it was fueled, I learned at a very young age the reward of hard work and persistence – that nothing good ever comes without hard work and dedication to one’s craft. My father spent nearly all of his career with Ford Motor Company. I remember visiting assembly plants with him and being awestruck by the scale and energy of the production process. What started on one end of an assembly line as a million parts, created around the globe, would be shaped, combined, painted, polished and would emerge on the other end as a beautifully resolved product; a skin of elegant refinement covering a body of grit and mechanical complexity. Even at that age, I was very taken with the magnitude of the process and how many creative minds it required to will all these amazing products into existence."

Voyage Chicago Article