Ellipsis: (ih-lip-sis) noun / a series of dots typically indicating a mounting tension, an unfinished story, a leading statement, a slight pauseā€¦


Ellipsis has been a wonderful journey; one fueled by so many talented minds, inspiring life stories and dedicated creative passion. In pursuit of other adventures and wonderous next chapters, we have decided to officially close our doors and move on, leaving the work of Ellipsis on display as a collection of lasting memories for everyone who has contributed. We now dissolve into the ether of a dot-dot-dot. We thank you all, very sincerely, for your patronage, for the many ways in which you have all inspired us, and for the mountains of encouragement and support that you have provided. Creating thoughtful spaces and playing such a meaningful role in so many lives has been our genuine pleasure. To those young creative minds on the edge of amazing careers; to the clever makers, the brave inquisitors and the steadfast doers, we call on you to blaze forward boldly, to follow your dreams, and to fear not the small failures for they are the cornerstones of invention, transcendence and progress. Listen, think, do, and . . .


At Ellipsis, we believe that architecture can enrich, empower and inspire. We find value in the power of meaningful design and its ability to improve lives.